Post by Bonobo on Jun 29, 2010 20:55:40 GMT 1
Accidentally, I found this site. Not bad:
* Baba z wozu, koniom lżej
o Word-for-word translation: When a woman has got off a wagon, horses have an easier time
o Meaning: It's all the better when an unhelpful person gets out of the way.
o English equivalent: Lighten your load!
* Bez pracy nie ma kołaczy
o Word-for-word translation: No labour, no oilcakes
o Latin equivalent: Sine labore non erit panis in ore
o English equivalent: No pain, no gain
* Bredzi jak Piekarski na mękach
o Word-for-word translation: S/he talks gibberish like tortured Piekarski
o Meaning: S/he's lying.
* Bogatemu to i diabeł dzieci kołysze
o Word-for-word translation: A rich man even has the devil to lull his children
o Meaning: All circumstances always turn advantageous for a rich man, in contrast to the poor man, who is always unlucky. Money eases the way to everything.
o English equivalent: The rich man gets his ice in the summer and the poor man gets his in the winter
* Bez soli smutna biesiada
o Word-for-word translation: Without salt the feast is sad
o English equivalent: Salt is the spice of life!
[edit] C
* Czekaj, tatka, latka
o Word-for-word translation: Wait for years, daddy
o Latin equivalent: Ad calendas Graecas (until Greek calendas) - i.e. until never (the Greeks did not celebrate the day of calendas)
o English equivalent: You can wait till the cows come home
[edit] D
* Duch chętny, lecz ciało mdłe
o English equivalent: The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
* Dobrego i karczma nie zepsuje, a złego i kościół nie naprawi
o Word-for-word translation: A good man even in a tavern won't be spoiled, a wicked one even in the church won't mend their way
* Dobrego (nawet) karczma nie zepsuje, a złego (nawet) kościół nie uratuje
Same meaning but the second one rhymes unlike the previous proverb.
* Word-for-word translation: A good man even in a tavern won't be spoiled, not even (a) church can save a bad man.
* Dobry żart tynfa wart
o Word-for-word translation: A good joke is worth a tynf (an old Polish penny)
o Meaning: A compliment for a good joke.
* Dopóty dzban wodę nosi, dopóki mu się ucho nie urwie
o Word-for-word translation: A jug carries water until its handle breaks off
[edit] G
* "Gdy kota nie ma, myszy harcują"
o English equivalent: When the cat's away the mice will play
* Gdy pies je, to nie szczeka, bo mu miska ucieka
o Word-for-word translation: When the dog eats, he doesn't bark, or his food will run away
o Meaning: Don't talk with your mouth full.
* Gdzie kucharek sześć, tam nie ma co jeść
o Word-for-word translation: Where there are six cooks, there is nothing to eat
o German equivalent: Viele Köche verderben den Brei
o English equivalent: Too many cooks spoil the broth
* Gadał dziad do obrazu, a obraz do niego ani razu
o Word-for-word translation: A beggar talked to a picture, but picture answered nothing
o English equivalent: Like talking to the wall
* Gdy się człowiek spieszy, to się diabeł cieszy
o Word-for-word translation: When a man is in a hurry, the devil is happy
o English equivalent: Haste makes waste
* Gdzie diabeł nie może, tam babę pośle
o Word-for-word translation: Where the Devil can't go, he'll send a woman
o Meaning: Women often cause trouble.
* Gdzie drwa rąbią, tam wióry lecą
o Word-for-word translation: Where wood is being chopped, shavings fly
o English equivalent: Where there's smoke, there's fire
* Gdzie dwóch się bije, tam trzeci korzysta
o Word-for-word translation:
+ Where two people fight against each other, the third one wins
+ Where two are fighting (arguing, suing); it is another who benefits
* Gdzie zgoda tam i siła
o English version: With unity there is strength
* Gość w dom - Bóg w dom
o Word-for-word translation: Guest coming into house - God coming into house (essence of Polish hospitality)
o Meaning: A guest in the house, is like God in the house
* Grosz do grosza, a będzie kokosza
o Word-for-word translation: Add up your pennies, and buy a hen
o English equivalent:
+ Every penny adds up
+ A penny saved is a penny earned [Benjamin Franklin]
[edit] I
* I Herkules dupa, kiedy wrogów kupa
o Word-for-word translation (vulgar): Even Hercules is a wimp, when he must fight against heaps of enemies
o Latin version: Nec Hercules contra plures
* Idzie luty, podkuj buty
o Word-for-word translation: When February comes, hobnail your shoes
[edit] J
* Jak Kuba Bogu, tak Bóg Kubie
o Word-for-word translation: As Jake treats God, God will treat Jake
o English equivalent: Turnaround is fair play
* Jak sobie pościelesz, tak się wyśpisz
o Word-for-word translation: You rest the way you have made your bed
o English equivalent: As ye sow, so shall ye reap
[edit] K
* Kowal zawinił a Cygana powiesili
o Word-for-word translation: The blacksmith was guilty, but they hanged the Gypsy
o Meaning: The scapegoat suffers not for his faults
* Kruk krukowi oka nie wykole
o Word-for-word translation: The crow won't peck an eye of another crow
* Kto daje i zabiera ten się w piekle poniewiera
o Translation: Who gives and then takes it back goes to hell (is mistreated in hell).
* Kto rano wstaje, temu Pan Bóg daje
o Meaning: He who gets up early, is rewarded by God.
o German: Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund.
o English: The early bird gets the worm.
* Kto szybko daje, dwa razy daje
o Latin version: Bis dat, qui cito dat
o English translation: He who gives quickly gives twice.
* Każdego ciągnie do złego
o Translation: Everyone is tempted to evil.
* Kropla do kropli i będzie morze
o Translation: Drop after drop, there will be a sea
o English equivalent: In unity, there is strength
* Kto ma sadło temu snadno
* Kto ucieka, winnym sie˛ staje
o Translation: Running away makes you guilty.
* Kuj żelazo, póki gorące
o German translation: Das Eisen schmieden, solange es heiss ist.
o English equivalent:
+ Strike while the iron is hot
+ Make hay while the sun shines
* Kurwa kurwie łba nie urwie
o Translation: A sleeper won't tear off another sleeper' head.
o Meaning: People who are somehow similar don't hurt one another. Instead, they tend to cooperate.
* Kto nie słucha Ojca i Matki, ten sie słucha psiej skóry
o Translation: Who is not (listening to) obeying their parents, is listening to dogs skin
o Meaning: If you don't learn from your parents, you'll learn from the school of hard knocks.
[edit] L
* Lepiej późno niż wcale
o English equivalent: Better late than never
* Lepsza jedna panna, niż cztery wdowy
o Translation: One maiden is better than four widows.
* Lepsze wrogiem dobrego
o Translation (and English equivalent): Better is the enemy of good.
* Los szczęście rzuca, ale nie każdy je łapie
o Translation: Fate throws fortune, but not everyone catches.
* Lepszy wróbel w garści niż gołąb na dachu
o Translation: A sparrow in your hand is better than a pigeon on the roof.
o English equivalent: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
* Ładnemu we wszystkim ładnie
o Translation: A pretty person looks pretty in every clothing.
[edit] M
* Między młotem a kowadłem
o Translation: Between the hammer and the anvil
o English: Between a rock and a hard place; between the devil and the deep blue sea.
* Musi to na Rusi, w Polsce jak kto chce
o Translation:
+ Must to" is good in Russia, in Poland it's as one pleases
+ In Russia it's as you must, in Poland as you wish.
* Myszy harcują, gdy kota nie czują
o Translation: Mice play around, when they don't smell the cat
o English equivalent: When the cat's away, the mice will play.
[edit] N
* Najlepsze mienie - czyste sumienie
o Translation: The best asset is a clean conscience
* Na kogo kruki, na tego wrony
* Alternative: Siła złego na jednego
o Translation: the one attacked by ravens is also attacked by crows (i.e. used when one is unfairly attacked from all sides by a large number of enemies).
o English equivalent: All against one.
* Na pochyłe drzewo wszystkie kozy skaczą
o Translation: All goats jump onto leaning trees
o English equivalent: People take advantage if you let them.
* Nie masz na upór lekarstwa
o Translation: You can't heal stubbornness
* Nie ma tego złego co by na dobre nie wyszlo
o Translation: Bad things often turn out to be good for you
* "Nie mów o nikim, nie będą o tobie."
o Translation: Don't talk about others, they won't talk about you.
* Nie wszystko się godzi, co wolno
o Translation: Not everything that's allowed is agreeable
o English equivalent: Not everything legal is ethical.
* Nie chwal dnia przed zachodem słońca
o Translation: Don't praise the day before sunset
o Meaning: Don't give unearned praise(credit)
* Nie dziel skóry na niedźwiedziu
o Translation: Don't share the skin while it's still on the bear
o English equivalent: Don't count your chickens before they are hatched
* Nie mów „hop”, póki nie przeskoczysz
o Translation: Don't say 'up', before you have jumped
* Nie od razu Kraków zbudowano
o Translation: Not at once Krakow was built
o English equivalent: Rome wasn't built in a day
* Nieznajomość prawa szkodzi
o Translation: ignorance of law is harmful
o Latin equivalent: Ignoratia iuris nocet
o English Equivalent: Ignorance is not an excuse
* "Nie wszystko złoto, co się świeci."
o Translation: Not all is gold that glitters
o English Equivalent: Not all that glitters is gold.
[edit] O
* O umarłych mówi się dobrze, albo wcale
o Latin: De mortuis nihil nisi bene
o Translation: of the dead speak well or not at all.
* O wilku mowa, a wilk tuż tuż
o Translation: Talk of a wolf and the wolf is here
o Similar to:
+ Speak of the Devil (and he will appear)
+ Light on a mention
[edit] P
* Panu Bogu świeczkę, a diabłu ogarek
o Translation: Light a candle for God and a candle-stub for the Devil
o Meaning: Everyone has his share
* Paluszek i główka to szkolna wymówka
o Translation: A sore finger and a headache are standard excuses for not going to school
* Patrzy jak cielę na malowane wrota
o Translation: He/She is staring like a calf at the painted gate
o Meaning: He is clueless
* Piękna miska jeść nie daje
o Translation: A beautifully decorated plate won't feed anyone
* Piekło jest wybrukowane dobrymi chęciami
Alternatively: "Dobrymi chęciami piekło jest wybrukowane"
o Translation: The road to hell is paved with good intentions
* Pokorne cielę dwie matki ssie
o Translation: A humble calf will feed from two mothers
o English equivalent: Humility gets you everywhere.
* Przyszła koza do woza
o Translation: Goat came to the cart
o Meaning: Someone who earlier refused to accept your help or advice now asks for it.
[edit] R
* Ręka rękę myje (Rączka rączkę myje)
o Translation (and English equivalent): One hand washes the other.
o Latin equivalent: Manus manum lavat
* Śpiesz się powoli
o Translation: Make haste slowly.
o Latin equivalent: Festina lente.
o Deutsch equivalent: Eile mit Weile
o English equivalent: Haste makes waste
[edit] S
* Szlachcic na zagrodzie równy wojewodzie
o Translation: A nobleman at his farmstead is equal to a voivod
o English equivalent: A man's home is his castle
* Szukajcie, a znajdziecie
o English equivalent: Seek and ye shall find
[edit] T
* Tylko trzewik wie, że pończocha dziurawa
o Translation:
+ Only the shoe knows the stocking to be torn
+ Only the shoe knows that the stocking is torn.
o Meaning: Those close to us know our secrets.
* Ten się śmieje, kto się śmieje ostatni
o Equivalent:
+ He who laughs last, laughs the longest
+ He laughs best, who laughs last
[edit] U
* Ucz się ucz, bo nauka to do potęgi klucz
o Translation: Keep learning because knowledge is the key to power
[edit] W
* Wchodząc między wrony, krakaj jak i one
* Alternatively: Kiedy wszedłeś między wrony, musisz krakać jak i one
o Translation: When among the crows, caw as the crows do
o English Equivalent: When in Rome, do as the Romans do
* Wolnoć Tomku w swoim domku
o Translation: You are free, Tom, in your own home
o Meaning: Do as you please at your own home
o English equivalent: A man's home is his castle
* Wszędzie dobrze, ale w domu najlepiej
o Translation: Everywhere's fine, but best at home
o English equivalent: Home, sweet home
* Wszystko dobre, co się dobrze kończy
o English equivalent: All's well that ends well
* Wszystkie drogi prowadzą do Rzymu
o English equivalent: All roads lead to Rome
* W zdrowym ciele zdrowy duch
o Meaning: In healthy body a healthy spirit resides
o English equivalent: In a sound body, a sound mind.
[edit] Z
* Zobaczysz (coś), jak świnia niebo
o Translation: You will see something as surely as a pig will see the sky. (pigs cannot look up)
o Meaning: In a pig's eye. Or 'It will happen, when pigs fly.' It's not likely.
o English equivalent: When pigs fly
* Za dukata brat sprzeda brata
o Translation: For a ducat, he would sell his own brother
* Z deszczu pod rynnę
o Word-for-word translation: From rain and under the gutter.
o Meaning: Action to improve situation had made it not better or even worse.
o English equivalent: Out of the pot and into the frying pan.
o Better is: Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
* Złej baletnicy przeszkadza rąbek u spódnicy
o Translation: A bad dancer blames the hem of her skirt
o English equivalent: A bad workman always blames his tools
* Baba z wozu, koniom lżej
o Word-for-word translation: When a woman has got off a wagon, horses have an easier time
o Meaning: It's all the better when an unhelpful person gets out of the way.
o English equivalent: Lighten your load!
* Bez pracy nie ma kołaczy
o Word-for-word translation: No labour, no oilcakes
o Latin equivalent: Sine labore non erit panis in ore
o English equivalent: No pain, no gain
* Bredzi jak Piekarski na mękach
o Word-for-word translation: S/he talks gibberish like tortured Piekarski
o Meaning: S/he's lying.
* Bogatemu to i diabeł dzieci kołysze
o Word-for-word translation: A rich man even has the devil to lull his children
o Meaning: All circumstances always turn advantageous for a rich man, in contrast to the poor man, who is always unlucky. Money eases the way to everything.
o English equivalent: The rich man gets his ice in the summer and the poor man gets his in the winter
* Bez soli smutna biesiada
o Word-for-word translation: Without salt the feast is sad
o English equivalent: Salt is the spice of life!
[edit] C
* Czekaj, tatka, latka
o Word-for-word translation: Wait for years, daddy
o Latin equivalent: Ad calendas Graecas (until Greek calendas) - i.e. until never (the Greeks did not celebrate the day of calendas)
o English equivalent: You can wait till the cows come home
[edit] D
* Duch chętny, lecz ciało mdłe
o English equivalent: The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
* Dobrego i karczma nie zepsuje, a złego i kościół nie naprawi
o Word-for-word translation: A good man even in a tavern won't be spoiled, a wicked one even in the church won't mend their way
* Dobrego (nawet) karczma nie zepsuje, a złego (nawet) kościół nie uratuje
Same meaning but the second one rhymes unlike the previous proverb.
* Word-for-word translation: A good man even in a tavern won't be spoiled, not even (a) church can save a bad man.
* Dobry żart tynfa wart
o Word-for-word translation: A good joke is worth a tynf (an old Polish penny)
o Meaning: A compliment for a good joke.
* Dopóty dzban wodę nosi, dopóki mu się ucho nie urwie
o Word-for-word translation: A jug carries water until its handle breaks off
[edit] G
* "Gdy kota nie ma, myszy harcują"
o English equivalent: When the cat's away the mice will play
* Gdy pies je, to nie szczeka, bo mu miska ucieka
o Word-for-word translation: When the dog eats, he doesn't bark, or his food will run away
o Meaning: Don't talk with your mouth full.
* Gdzie kucharek sześć, tam nie ma co jeść
o Word-for-word translation: Where there are six cooks, there is nothing to eat
o German equivalent: Viele Köche verderben den Brei
o English equivalent: Too many cooks spoil the broth
* Gadał dziad do obrazu, a obraz do niego ani razu
o Word-for-word translation: A beggar talked to a picture, but picture answered nothing
o English equivalent: Like talking to the wall
* Gdy się człowiek spieszy, to się diabeł cieszy
o Word-for-word translation: When a man is in a hurry, the devil is happy
o English equivalent: Haste makes waste
* Gdzie diabeł nie może, tam babę pośle
o Word-for-word translation: Where the Devil can't go, he'll send a woman
o Meaning: Women often cause trouble.
* Gdzie drwa rąbią, tam wióry lecą
o Word-for-word translation: Where wood is being chopped, shavings fly
o English equivalent: Where there's smoke, there's fire
* Gdzie dwóch się bije, tam trzeci korzysta
o Word-for-word translation:
+ Where two people fight against each other, the third one wins
+ Where two are fighting (arguing, suing); it is another who benefits
* Gdzie zgoda tam i siła
o English version: With unity there is strength
* Gość w dom - Bóg w dom
o Word-for-word translation: Guest coming into house - God coming into house (essence of Polish hospitality)
o Meaning: A guest in the house, is like God in the house
* Grosz do grosza, a będzie kokosza
o Word-for-word translation: Add up your pennies, and buy a hen
o English equivalent:
+ Every penny adds up
+ A penny saved is a penny earned [Benjamin Franklin]
[edit] I
* I Herkules dupa, kiedy wrogów kupa
o Word-for-word translation (vulgar): Even Hercules is a wimp, when he must fight against heaps of enemies
o Latin version: Nec Hercules contra plures
* Idzie luty, podkuj buty
o Word-for-word translation: When February comes, hobnail your shoes
[edit] J
* Jak Kuba Bogu, tak Bóg Kubie
o Word-for-word translation: As Jake treats God, God will treat Jake
o English equivalent: Turnaround is fair play
* Jak sobie pościelesz, tak się wyśpisz
o Word-for-word translation: You rest the way you have made your bed
o English equivalent: As ye sow, so shall ye reap
[edit] K
* Kowal zawinił a Cygana powiesili
o Word-for-word translation: The blacksmith was guilty, but they hanged the Gypsy
o Meaning: The scapegoat suffers not for his faults
* Kruk krukowi oka nie wykole
o Word-for-word translation: The crow won't peck an eye of another crow
* Kto daje i zabiera ten się w piekle poniewiera
o Translation: Who gives and then takes it back goes to hell (is mistreated in hell).
* Kto rano wstaje, temu Pan Bóg daje
o Meaning: He who gets up early, is rewarded by God.
o German: Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund.
o English: The early bird gets the worm.
* Kto szybko daje, dwa razy daje
o Latin version: Bis dat, qui cito dat
o English translation: He who gives quickly gives twice.
* Każdego ciągnie do złego
o Translation: Everyone is tempted to evil.
* Kropla do kropli i będzie morze
o Translation: Drop after drop, there will be a sea
o English equivalent: In unity, there is strength
* Kto ma sadło temu snadno
* Kto ucieka, winnym sie˛ staje
o Translation: Running away makes you guilty.
* Kuj żelazo, póki gorące
o German translation: Das Eisen schmieden, solange es heiss ist.
o English equivalent:
+ Strike while the iron is hot
+ Make hay while the sun shines
* Kurwa kurwie łba nie urwie
o Translation: A sleeper won't tear off another sleeper' head.
o Meaning: People who are somehow similar don't hurt one another. Instead, they tend to cooperate.
* Kto nie słucha Ojca i Matki, ten sie słucha psiej skóry
o Translation: Who is not (listening to) obeying their parents, is listening to dogs skin
o Meaning: If you don't learn from your parents, you'll learn from the school of hard knocks.
[edit] L
* Lepiej późno niż wcale
o English equivalent: Better late than never
* Lepsza jedna panna, niż cztery wdowy
o Translation: One maiden is better than four widows.
* Lepsze wrogiem dobrego
o Translation (and English equivalent): Better is the enemy of good.
* Los szczęście rzuca, ale nie każdy je łapie
o Translation: Fate throws fortune, but not everyone catches.
* Lepszy wróbel w garści niż gołąb na dachu
o Translation: A sparrow in your hand is better than a pigeon on the roof.
o English equivalent: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
* Ładnemu we wszystkim ładnie
o Translation: A pretty person looks pretty in every clothing.
[edit] M
* Między młotem a kowadłem
o Translation: Between the hammer and the anvil
o English: Between a rock and a hard place; between the devil and the deep blue sea.
* Musi to na Rusi, w Polsce jak kto chce
o Translation:
+ Must to" is good in Russia, in Poland it's as one pleases
+ In Russia it's as you must, in Poland as you wish.
* Myszy harcują, gdy kota nie czują
o Translation: Mice play around, when they don't smell the cat
o English equivalent: When the cat's away, the mice will play.
[edit] N
* Najlepsze mienie - czyste sumienie
o Translation: The best asset is a clean conscience
* Na kogo kruki, na tego wrony
* Alternative: Siła złego na jednego
o Translation: the one attacked by ravens is also attacked by crows (i.e. used when one is unfairly attacked from all sides by a large number of enemies).
o English equivalent: All against one.
* Na pochyłe drzewo wszystkie kozy skaczą
o Translation: All goats jump onto leaning trees
o English equivalent: People take advantage if you let them.
* Nie masz na upór lekarstwa
o Translation: You can't heal stubbornness
* Nie ma tego złego co by na dobre nie wyszlo
o Translation: Bad things often turn out to be good for you
* "Nie mów o nikim, nie będą o tobie."
o Translation: Don't talk about others, they won't talk about you.
* Nie wszystko się godzi, co wolno
o Translation: Not everything that's allowed is agreeable
o English equivalent: Not everything legal is ethical.
* Nie chwal dnia przed zachodem słońca
o Translation: Don't praise the day before sunset
o Meaning: Don't give unearned praise(credit)
* Nie dziel skóry na niedźwiedziu
o Translation: Don't share the skin while it's still on the bear
o English equivalent: Don't count your chickens before they are hatched
* Nie mów „hop”, póki nie przeskoczysz
o Translation: Don't say 'up', before you have jumped
* Nie od razu Kraków zbudowano
o Translation: Not at once Krakow was built
o English equivalent: Rome wasn't built in a day
* Nieznajomość prawa szkodzi
o Translation: ignorance of law is harmful
o Latin equivalent: Ignoratia iuris nocet
o English Equivalent: Ignorance is not an excuse
* "Nie wszystko złoto, co się świeci."
o Translation: Not all is gold that glitters
o English Equivalent: Not all that glitters is gold.
[edit] O
* O umarłych mówi się dobrze, albo wcale
o Latin: De mortuis nihil nisi bene
o Translation: of the dead speak well or not at all.
* O wilku mowa, a wilk tuż tuż
o Translation: Talk of a wolf and the wolf is here
o Similar to:
+ Speak of the Devil (and he will appear)
+ Light on a mention
[edit] P
* Panu Bogu świeczkę, a diabłu ogarek
o Translation: Light a candle for God and a candle-stub for the Devil
o Meaning: Everyone has his share
* Paluszek i główka to szkolna wymówka
o Translation: A sore finger and a headache are standard excuses for not going to school
* Patrzy jak cielę na malowane wrota
o Translation: He/She is staring like a calf at the painted gate
o Meaning: He is clueless
* Piękna miska jeść nie daje
o Translation: A beautifully decorated plate won't feed anyone
* Piekło jest wybrukowane dobrymi chęciami
Alternatively: "Dobrymi chęciami piekło jest wybrukowane"
o Translation: The road to hell is paved with good intentions
* Pokorne cielę dwie matki ssie
o Translation: A humble calf will feed from two mothers
o English equivalent: Humility gets you everywhere.
* Przyszła koza do woza
o Translation: Goat came to the cart
o Meaning: Someone who earlier refused to accept your help or advice now asks for it.
[edit] R
* Ręka rękę myje (Rączka rączkę myje)
o Translation (and English equivalent): One hand washes the other.
o Latin equivalent: Manus manum lavat
* Śpiesz się powoli
o Translation: Make haste slowly.
o Latin equivalent: Festina lente.
o Deutsch equivalent: Eile mit Weile
o English equivalent: Haste makes waste
[edit] S
* Szlachcic na zagrodzie równy wojewodzie
o Translation: A nobleman at his farmstead is equal to a voivod
o English equivalent: A man's home is his castle
* Szukajcie, a znajdziecie
o English equivalent: Seek and ye shall find
[edit] T
* Tylko trzewik wie, że pończocha dziurawa
o Translation:
+ Only the shoe knows the stocking to be torn
+ Only the shoe knows that the stocking is torn.
o Meaning: Those close to us know our secrets.
* Ten się śmieje, kto się śmieje ostatni
o Equivalent:
+ He who laughs last, laughs the longest
+ He laughs best, who laughs last
[edit] U
* Ucz się ucz, bo nauka to do potęgi klucz
o Translation: Keep learning because knowledge is the key to power
[edit] W
* Wchodząc między wrony, krakaj jak i one
* Alternatively: Kiedy wszedłeś między wrony, musisz krakać jak i one
o Translation: When among the crows, caw as the crows do
o English Equivalent: When in Rome, do as the Romans do
* Wolnoć Tomku w swoim domku
o Translation: You are free, Tom, in your own home
o Meaning: Do as you please at your own home
o English equivalent: A man's home is his castle
* Wszędzie dobrze, ale w domu najlepiej
o Translation: Everywhere's fine, but best at home
o English equivalent: Home, sweet home
* Wszystko dobre, co się dobrze kończy
o English equivalent: All's well that ends well
* Wszystkie drogi prowadzą do Rzymu
o English equivalent: All roads lead to Rome
* W zdrowym ciele zdrowy duch
o Meaning: In healthy body a healthy spirit resides
o English equivalent: In a sound body, a sound mind.
[edit] Z
* Zobaczysz (coś), jak świnia niebo
o Translation: You will see something as surely as a pig will see the sky. (pigs cannot look up)
o Meaning: In a pig's eye. Or 'It will happen, when pigs fly.' It's not likely.
o English equivalent: When pigs fly
* Za dukata brat sprzeda brata
o Translation: For a ducat, he would sell his own brother
* Z deszczu pod rynnę
o Word-for-word translation: From rain and under the gutter.
o Meaning: Action to improve situation had made it not better or even worse.
o English equivalent: Out of the pot and into the frying pan.
o Better is: Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
* Złej baletnicy przeszkadza rąbek u spódnicy
o Translation: A bad dancer blames the hem of her skirt
o English equivalent: A bad workman always blames his tools