Post by Bonobo on May 19, 2011 20:53:20 GMT 1
Bolek and Lolek, my fav cartoon in 1970s. Communist TV showed one episode at 7pm. It was called Dobranocka - Good Nightie (bed time story). I was incessantly elated when it started and in the dumps when it finished. Only 10 minutes of bliss!! Is it a surprise I have always hated communism?
Bolek and Lolek are two Polish cartoon characters from the TV animated series by the same title (Bolek i Lolek in Polish). They are based on W³adys³aw Nehrebecki's sons, named Jan and Roman, and were partially created by German-born Alfred Ledwig before being developed by W³adys³aw Nehrebecki and Leszek Lorek. The series is about two young brothers and their fun and sometimes silly adventures which often involve spending a lot of time outdoors. They first appeared in an animated film in 1964.
The names of the two characters are diminutives of Boles³aw and Karol. In English, the cartoon was distributed as Jym & Jam and Bennie and Lennie. Some episodes were seen as part of Nickelodeon's Pinwheel. In 1973 the creators of the film placed on the request from the female viewing audience a girl character by the name of Tola. The first time she appeared in occurred in the episode entitled "Tola". In total, Tola appeared in 30 episodes.
Most episodes do not have dialogues. Exceptions are feature-length films and the series from the 1980s, where the main characters' voices were done by: Bolek - Ewa Z³otowska, Ilona Ku¶mierska; Lolek - Danuta Mancewicz, Danuta Przesmycka.
During the period of the Peoples Republic of Poland (PRL), Bolek and Lolek were reproduced in a large quantity of toys: action figures, movies, postcards, online arcades, puzzles, etc., which can be seen in the Museum of Dobranocek (bed-time stories) of the PRL. They are also currently made in computer programs, coloring books, general picture books and games.
Of all the Polish animated cartoons Bolek and Lolek ranks as number one all-time favorite. The series was popular in many countries, and was one of the few animated movies allowed to be broadcast by Iranian television just after the revolution of 1979.
Bolek i Lolek - Bolek and Lolek (13 Episodes) - 1963 - 1964
01. Kusza – The Crossbow
02. Yeti – The Yeti
03. Dzielni Kowboje – The Brave Cowboys
04. Skrzy¿owane Szpady - Crossed Swords
05. Pogromca Zwierz±t – The Animal Tamer
06. Corrida – The Bull Fight
07. Indiañskie Trofeum – The Indian Trophy
08. Kosmonauci - The Cosmonauts
09. Król Puszczy - King of the Forest
10. Robinson - Robinson
11. Po³awiacze Skarbów – The Treasure Seekers
12. Sportowcy – The Athletes
13. Dwaj Rycerze – The Two Knights
Bolek i Lolek na wakacjach - Bolek and Lolek on Vacation (13 Episodes) - 1965 - 1966
01. Lunapark – The Luna Park
02. Grzybobranie - Mushroom Picking
03. Strzelba i Wêdka – The Gun and the Fishing Rod
04. Fa³szywy Dziadek - False Grandfather
05. Zabawa w Rycerza - Playing Knight
06. Na Biwaku - Camping
07. Pierwszy Dzieñ Wakacji - First Day of the Summer Vacation
08. K³usownik - The Poacher
09. ¯yrafa - The Giraffe
10. Przygoda w Pustyni - Adventure in the Desert
11. Skarb - Treasure
12. Autostopowicze - The Hitch-Hikers
13. Morska Przygoda - The Sea Adventure
Bolek i Lolek wyruszaj± w ¶wiat - Bolek and Lolek travel the world (18 episodes) - 1968 - 1970
01. W Stepach Australii - The Tarsus of Australia
02. Na Tropach Bengalskiego Tygrysa - On the Trail of the Bengal Tiger
03. Na Wyspach Polinezji - On the Islands of Polynesia
04. Z³ote Miasto Inków - The Golden City of the Incas
05. Wy¶cig Do Bieguna - The Race to the Pole
06. W Puszczach Kanady - In the Forests of Canada
07. Polowanie Na Goryla - Hunting the Gorilla
08. Na Stokach Kilimand¿aro - On the Slopes of the Kilimanjaro
09. Olimpiada w Mexico - The Olympic Games in Mexico
10. W Krainie 1001 Nocy - In the Land of the 1001 Nights
11. W Piaskach Gobi - In the Sands of the Gobi
12. Gran Premio Argentyny - The Grand Prize of Argentina
13. Na Dzikim Zachodzie - In the Wild West
14. Grobowiec Faraona - The Tomb of the Pharaoh
15. £owcy Bizonów - The Buffalo Hunters
16. Nad Orinoko - On the Orinoco
17. Na Tropach Yeti - On the Yeti's Trail
18. Przemytnik - The Smuggler
Bajki Bolka i Lolka - Tales of Bolek and Lolek (13 episodes) - 1970 - 1971
01. Z³ota Rybka - The Golden Fish
02. Czerwony Kapturek - The Little Red Riding Hood
03. Czarodziejskie Lustro - The Magic Mirror
04. Tomcio Paluch - Tom Thumb
05. Pantofelek Kopciuszka - Cinderella's Slipper
06. Lataj±cy Kufer - The Flying Trunk
07. Brzydkie Kacz±tko - The Ugly Duckling
08. Lampa Aladyna - Aladdin's Lamp
09. Uwiêziona Królewna - The Imprisoned Princess
10. Smok - The Dragon
11. Baba Jaga - The Witch
12. Królowa ¦niegu - The Snow Queen
13. Zaklêty Zamek - The Enchanted Castle
Przygody Bolka i Lolka - Adventures of Bolek and Lolek (63 episodes) - 1972 - 1980
01. Chory Z±b - The Sick Tooth
02. Deszczowe Wakacje - A Rainy Holiday
03. Psiaczek - The Puppy
04. Tola - Tola
05. Biwak - Camp
06. Wycieczka w Góry - A Trip to the Mountains
07. Nad Jeziorem - On the Lake
08. Kruk - The Raven
09. W Puszczy - In the Wilderness
10. Wycieczka Samochodem - A Trip By Car
11. Sierpniowa Wêdrówka - An August Journey
12. Zimowe Igraszki - Winter Fun
13. Zdobywcy Przestworzy - The Conquerors of Space
14. Ma³pka - The Monkey
15. Zimowe Zawody - Winter Games
16. ¦niadanie Na Biwaku - Camping Breakfast
17. Imieniny Toli - Tola's Namesday
18. Pali Siê - Fire
19. Tajemnica Toli - Tola's Secret
20. Zielone ¦cie¿ki - Green Paths
21. Kanarek - The Canary
22. Podwodna Wycieczka - An Underwater Tour
23. Bieg Na Prze³aj - The Race Across the Country
24. Wakacje Na Wsi - Vacation in the Countryside
25. Tresowany Piesek - The Trained Dog
26. Przygoda Na Dwóch Kó³kach - Adventure on Two Wheels
27. Na ¯aglówce - On the Sailing Boat
28. Zgubiony ¦lad - The Lost Footprint
29. ¬rebak - The Colt
30. Wielki Mecz - The Great Match
31. Bocian - The Stork
32. Przyjaciele Bobrów - Beavers' Friends
33. Wycieczka Kajakiem - The Canoe Trip
34. Tajemniczy Plan - Mysterious Plan
35. Fotoreporter - Photoreporter
36. Zawody Latawców - The Kite Race
37. Wagary Playing Hooky
38. Sarenka - The Deer
39. Harcerska Warta - A Scout's Watch
40. Muzykanci - The Musicians
41. Wakacje Nad Morzem - The Seaside Vacation
42. Mali Ogrodnicy - The Little Gardeners
43. Zmylony Trop - The Misleading Track
44. Kowboj i Indianie - Cowboy and Indians
45. Zabawa w Chowanego - Hide and Seek
46. Wakacyjne Szlaki - The Holiday Trails
47. Wêdrowny Cyrk - The Traveling Circus
48. Wiosenne Porz±dki - Spring Cleaning
49. Pocztowy Go³±b - The Homing Pigeon
50. Lotnia - The Hang-Glider
51. Morska Wyprawa - The Sea Expedition
52. Prima Aprilis - April Fool's Day
53. Wiosenna Burza - The Spring Storm
54. Byczek - The Bull
55. Cygañski Wóz - The Gypsie Wagon
56. Imieniny Mamy - Mom's Namesday
57. Czarna Bandera - The Black Flag
58. Poduszkowiec - The Hovercraft
59. Wycieczka z Robotem - Trip with a Robot
60. Lolek Lunatyk - Lolek the Sleepwalker
61. Lotnicza Przygoda - A Flying Adventure
62. Zagin±³ Piesek - The Lost Dog
63. Chrzest Na Równiku - Baptism on the Equator
Bolek i Lolek na Dzikim Zachodzie - Bolek and Lolek in the Wild West (7 episodes) - 1972
01. Obroñcy Prawa - Defenders of the Law
02. Postrach Teksasu - The Texas Terror
03. Po¶cig - In Hot Pursuit
04. Porwany Ekspress - The Hijacked Express Train
05. Koniokrad - The Horse Thief
06. Indiañski Bo¿ek - The Indian Idol
07. Tropiciele - The Trackers
Zabawy Bolka i Lolka - Fun with Bolek and Lolek (7 episodes) - 1975-1976
01. Gokarty - Go-Carts
02. Niezwyk³e Odkrycie - The Incredible Discovery
03. Maszeruje Wojsko - The Army Marches On
04. Mali Filmowcy - The Little Filmmakers
05. Niefortunne Niañki - The Unfortunate Babysitters
06. Opiekunowie Zwierz±t - The Animal Caregivers
07. Czarna Dama - The Black Lady
Wielka podró¿ Bolka i Lolka - Bolek and Lolek's Great Journey (15 episodes) - 1978
01. Testament Fileasa Foga - The Last Will of Fileas Fog
02. W Londynie - In London
03. Pechowy Statek - The Jinxed Ship
04. Wioska 40 Rozbójników - The Village of Forty Bandits
05. Ma³pi Król - The Monkey King
06. Syn Wodza Mbu-Bu - The Son of the Chief Mbu-Bu
07. Podró¿ Na S³oniu - Journey on an Elephant
08. Tajemnicza ¦wi±tynia - The Mysterious Temple
09. W S³u¿bie Buddy - In the Service of the Buddha
10. Ptak ¦mierci - The Bird of Death
11. W G³êbinach Oceanu - In the Depths of the Ocean
12. Rajska Wyspa - Paradise Island
13. Dziki Zachód - The Wild West
14. Powrót - The Return
15. Wyspa Bolka i Lolka - The Bolek and Lolek Island
Bolek i Lolek w¶ród górników - Bolek and Lolek Among Miners (7 episodes) - 1980
01. Wuj Karlik - Uncle Carl
02. Zielona Ha³da - The Green Heap
03. Skarbnik - The Treasurer
04. Barbórka - The Baborka Celebration
05. Pasowanie Na Górnika - Fit For Mining
06. W Starej Kopalni - In the Old Mine
07. Czarne Z³oto - Black Gold
Olimpiada Bolka i Lolka - Olympics with Bolek and Lolek (13 episodes) - 1983-1984
01. Tor Przeszkód - The Obstacle Course
02. ¯ó³ty Czepek - The Yellow Bonnet
03. Zawody £ucznicze - Archery Games
04. Judo - Judo
05. Gol - Goal!
06. ¯eglarstwo - Sailing
07. Slalom - The Slalom
08. Skok w Dal - The Long Jump
09. Pojedynek - The Duel
10. Kolarstwo - Cycling
11. Siatkówka - Volleyball
12. Igrzyska - The Olympic Games
13. Nim Zap³onie Znicz - Before the Torch Is Lit
Bolek i Lolek w Europie - Bolek and Lolek in Europe (5 episodes) - 1983-1986
01. Duch Zamku Lorda MacIntosha - The Ghost of the Lord MacIntosh's Castle
02. W Królestwie Posejdona - In Poseidon's Kingdom
03. W Hiszpanii - In Spain
04. Pod Kraterem - Under the Crater
05. Wy¶cig Renów - The Reindeer Race
Long-length films
Wielka podró¿ Bolka i Lolka - Bolek and Lolek's Great Travel(based on the film was made the 15-part series) - 1977
Kawaler Orderu U¶miechu - Knight of the Order of Smile(sequel to Great Travel) - 1979
Bolek i Lolek na Dzikim Zachodzie - Bolek and Lolek in the Wild West - 1986
Films made of episodes
Sposób na wakacje Bolka i Lolka - How Bolek and Lolek do vacations - 1986
Bajki Bolka i Lolka - Tales of Bolek and Lolek - 1986
Educational films
Szerokiej drogi - Have a good journey - 1976
Gdy zap³onie choinka - When you lit the tree - 1977
Wystarczy iskierka - Just a spark - 1977
Zabawa z zapa³kami - Playing with matches - 1977
Feralny dzieñ - Unfortunate day - 1978
Jutro bêdzie lepiej - Tomorrow will be better - 1978
Na stra¿ackim poligonie - The fireman training ground - 1978
Z ogniem nie ma ¿artów - Don't play with the fire - 1978
Na drodze - On the road - 1980
Bolek and Lolek are two Polish cartoon characters from the TV animated series by the same title (Bolek i Lolek in Polish). They are based on W³adys³aw Nehrebecki's sons, named Jan and Roman, and were partially created by German-born Alfred Ledwig before being developed by W³adys³aw Nehrebecki and Leszek Lorek. The series is about two young brothers and their fun and sometimes silly adventures which often involve spending a lot of time outdoors. They first appeared in an animated film in 1964.
The names of the two characters are diminutives of Boles³aw and Karol. In English, the cartoon was distributed as Jym & Jam and Bennie and Lennie. Some episodes were seen as part of Nickelodeon's Pinwheel. In 1973 the creators of the film placed on the request from the female viewing audience a girl character by the name of Tola. The first time she appeared in occurred in the episode entitled "Tola". In total, Tola appeared in 30 episodes.
Most episodes do not have dialogues. Exceptions are feature-length films and the series from the 1980s, where the main characters' voices were done by: Bolek - Ewa Z³otowska, Ilona Ku¶mierska; Lolek - Danuta Mancewicz, Danuta Przesmycka.
During the period of the Peoples Republic of Poland (PRL), Bolek and Lolek were reproduced in a large quantity of toys: action figures, movies, postcards, online arcades, puzzles, etc., which can be seen in the Museum of Dobranocek (bed-time stories) of the PRL. They are also currently made in computer programs, coloring books, general picture books and games.
Of all the Polish animated cartoons Bolek and Lolek ranks as number one all-time favorite. The series was popular in many countries, and was one of the few animated movies allowed to be broadcast by Iranian television just after the revolution of 1979.
Bolek i Lolek - Bolek and Lolek (13 Episodes) - 1963 - 1964
01. Kusza – The Crossbow
02. Yeti – The Yeti
03. Dzielni Kowboje – The Brave Cowboys
04. Skrzy¿owane Szpady - Crossed Swords
05. Pogromca Zwierz±t – The Animal Tamer
06. Corrida – The Bull Fight
07. Indiañskie Trofeum – The Indian Trophy
08. Kosmonauci - The Cosmonauts
09. Król Puszczy - King of the Forest
10. Robinson - Robinson
11. Po³awiacze Skarbów – The Treasure Seekers
12. Sportowcy – The Athletes
13. Dwaj Rycerze – The Two Knights
Bolek i Lolek na wakacjach - Bolek and Lolek on Vacation (13 Episodes) - 1965 - 1966
01. Lunapark – The Luna Park
02. Grzybobranie - Mushroom Picking
03. Strzelba i Wêdka – The Gun and the Fishing Rod
04. Fa³szywy Dziadek - False Grandfather
05. Zabawa w Rycerza - Playing Knight
06. Na Biwaku - Camping
07. Pierwszy Dzieñ Wakacji - First Day of the Summer Vacation
08. K³usownik - The Poacher
09. ¯yrafa - The Giraffe
10. Przygoda w Pustyni - Adventure in the Desert
11. Skarb - Treasure
12. Autostopowicze - The Hitch-Hikers
13. Morska Przygoda - The Sea Adventure
Bolek i Lolek wyruszaj± w ¶wiat - Bolek and Lolek travel the world (18 episodes) - 1968 - 1970
01. W Stepach Australii - The Tarsus of Australia
02. Na Tropach Bengalskiego Tygrysa - On the Trail of the Bengal Tiger
03. Na Wyspach Polinezji - On the Islands of Polynesia
04. Z³ote Miasto Inków - The Golden City of the Incas
05. Wy¶cig Do Bieguna - The Race to the Pole
06. W Puszczach Kanady - In the Forests of Canada
07. Polowanie Na Goryla - Hunting the Gorilla
08. Na Stokach Kilimand¿aro - On the Slopes of the Kilimanjaro
09. Olimpiada w Mexico - The Olympic Games in Mexico
10. W Krainie 1001 Nocy - In the Land of the 1001 Nights
11. W Piaskach Gobi - In the Sands of the Gobi
12. Gran Premio Argentyny - The Grand Prize of Argentina
13. Na Dzikim Zachodzie - In the Wild West
14. Grobowiec Faraona - The Tomb of the Pharaoh
15. £owcy Bizonów - The Buffalo Hunters
16. Nad Orinoko - On the Orinoco
17. Na Tropach Yeti - On the Yeti's Trail
18. Przemytnik - The Smuggler
Bajki Bolka i Lolka - Tales of Bolek and Lolek (13 episodes) - 1970 - 1971
01. Z³ota Rybka - The Golden Fish
02. Czerwony Kapturek - The Little Red Riding Hood
03. Czarodziejskie Lustro - The Magic Mirror
04. Tomcio Paluch - Tom Thumb
05. Pantofelek Kopciuszka - Cinderella's Slipper
06. Lataj±cy Kufer - The Flying Trunk
07. Brzydkie Kacz±tko - The Ugly Duckling
08. Lampa Aladyna - Aladdin's Lamp
09. Uwiêziona Królewna - The Imprisoned Princess
10. Smok - The Dragon
11. Baba Jaga - The Witch
12. Królowa ¦niegu - The Snow Queen
13. Zaklêty Zamek - The Enchanted Castle
Przygody Bolka i Lolka - Adventures of Bolek and Lolek (63 episodes) - 1972 - 1980
01. Chory Z±b - The Sick Tooth
02. Deszczowe Wakacje - A Rainy Holiday
03. Psiaczek - The Puppy
04. Tola - Tola
05. Biwak - Camp
06. Wycieczka w Góry - A Trip to the Mountains
07. Nad Jeziorem - On the Lake
08. Kruk - The Raven
09. W Puszczy - In the Wilderness
10. Wycieczka Samochodem - A Trip By Car
11. Sierpniowa Wêdrówka - An August Journey
12. Zimowe Igraszki - Winter Fun
13. Zdobywcy Przestworzy - The Conquerors of Space
14. Ma³pka - The Monkey
15. Zimowe Zawody - Winter Games
16. ¦niadanie Na Biwaku - Camping Breakfast
17. Imieniny Toli - Tola's Namesday
18. Pali Siê - Fire
19. Tajemnica Toli - Tola's Secret
20. Zielone ¦cie¿ki - Green Paths
21. Kanarek - The Canary
22. Podwodna Wycieczka - An Underwater Tour
23. Bieg Na Prze³aj - The Race Across the Country
24. Wakacje Na Wsi - Vacation in the Countryside
25. Tresowany Piesek - The Trained Dog
26. Przygoda Na Dwóch Kó³kach - Adventure on Two Wheels
27. Na ¯aglówce - On the Sailing Boat
28. Zgubiony ¦lad - The Lost Footprint
29. ¬rebak - The Colt
30. Wielki Mecz - The Great Match
31. Bocian - The Stork
32. Przyjaciele Bobrów - Beavers' Friends
33. Wycieczka Kajakiem - The Canoe Trip
34. Tajemniczy Plan - Mysterious Plan
35. Fotoreporter - Photoreporter
36. Zawody Latawców - The Kite Race
37. Wagary Playing Hooky
38. Sarenka - The Deer
39. Harcerska Warta - A Scout's Watch
40. Muzykanci - The Musicians
41. Wakacje Nad Morzem - The Seaside Vacation
42. Mali Ogrodnicy - The Little Gardeners
43. Zmylony Trop - The Misleading Track
44. Kowboj i Indianie - Cowboy and Indians
45. Zabawa w Chowanego - Hide and Seek
46. Wakacyjne Szlaki - The Holiday Trails
47. Wêdrowny Cyrk - The Traveling Circus
48. Wiosenne Porz±dki - Spring Cleaning
49. Pocztowy Go³±b - The Homing Pigeon
50. Lotnia - The Hang-Glider
51. Morska Wyprawa - The Sea Expedition
52. Prima Aprilis - April Fool's Day
53. Wiosenna Burza - The Spring Storm
54. Byczek - The Bull
55. Cygañski Wóz - The Gypsie Wagon
56. Imieniny Mamy - Mom's Namesday
57. Czarna Bandera - The Black Flag
58. Poduszkowiec - The Hovercraft
59. Wycieczka z Robotem - Trip with a Robot
60. Lolek Lunatyk - Lolek the Sleepwalker
61. Lotnicza Przygoda - A Flying Adventure
62. Zagin±³ Piesek - The Lost Dog
63. Chrzest Na Równiku - Baptism on the Equator
Bolek i Lolek na Dzikim Zachodzie - Bolek and Lolek in the Wild West (7 episodes) - 1972
01. Obroñcy Prawa - Defenders of the Law
02. Postrach Teksasu - The Texas Terror
03. Po¶cig - In Hot Pursuit
04. Porwany Ekspress - The Hijacked Express Train
05. Koniokrad - The Horse Thief
06. Indiañski Bo¿ek - The Indian Idol
07. Tropiciele - The Trackers
Zabawy Bolka i Lolka - Fun with Bolek and Lolek (7 episodes) - 1975-1976
01. Gokarty - Go-Carts
02. Niezwyk³e Odkrycie - The Incredible Discovery
03. Maszeruje Wojsko - The Army Marches On
04. Mali Filmowcy - The Little Filmmakers
05. Niefortunne Niañki - The Unfortunate Babysitters
06. Opiekunowie Zwierz±t - The Animal Caregivers
07. Czarna Dama - The Black Lady
Wielka podró¿ Bolka i Lolka - Bolek and Lolek's Great Journey (15 episodes) - 1978
01. Testament Fileasa Foga - The Last Will of Fileas Fog
02. W Londynie - In London
03. Pechowy Statek - The Jinxed Ship
04. Wioska 40 Rozbójników - The Village of Forty Bandits
05. Ma³pi Król - The Monkey King
06. Syn Wodza Mbu-Bu - The Son of the Chief Mbu-Bu
07. Podró¿ Na S³oniu - Journey on an Elephant
08. Tajemnicza ¦wi±tynia - The Mysterious Temple
09. W S³u¿bie Buddy - In the Service of the Buddha
10. Ptak ¦mierci - The Bird of Death
11. W G³êbinach Oceanu - In the Depths of the Ocean
12. Rajska Wyspa - Paradise Island
13. Dziki Zachód - The Wild West
14. Powrót - The Return
15. Wyspa Bolka i Lolka - The Bolek and Lolek Island
Bolek i Lolek w¶ród górników - Bolek and Lolek Among Miners (7 episodes) - 1980
01. Wuj Karlik - Uncle Carl
02. Zielona Ha³da - The Green Heap
03. Skarbnik - The Treasurer
04. Barbórka - The Baborka Celebration
05. Pasowanie Na Górnika - Fit For Mining
06. W Starej Kopalni - In the Old Mine
07. Czarne Z³oto - Black Gold
Olimpiada Bolka i Lolka - Olympics with Bolek and Lolek (13 episodes) - 1983-1984
01. Tor Przeszkód - The Obstacle Course
02. ¯ó³ty Czepek - The Yellow Bonnet
03. Zawody £ucznicze - Archery Games
04. Judo - Judo
05. Gol - Goal!
06. ¯eglarstwo - Sailing
07. Slalom - The Slalom
08. Skok w Dal - The Long Jump
09. Pojedynek - The Duel
10. Kolarstwo - Cycling
11. Siatkówka - Volleyball
12. Igrzyska - The Olympic Games
13. Nim Zap³onie Znicz - Before the Torch Is Lit
Bolek i Lolek w Europie - Bolek and Lolek in Europe (5 episodes) - 1983-1986
01. Duch Zamku Lorda MacIntosha - The Ghost of the Lord MacIntosh's Castle
02. W Królestwie Posejdona - In Poseidon's Kingdom
03. W Hiszpanii - In Spain
04. Pod Kraterem - Under the Crater
05. Wy¶cig Renów - The Reindeer Race
Long-length films
Wielka podró¿ Bolka i Lolka - Bolek and Lolek's Great Travel(based on the film was made the 15-part series) - 1977
Kawaler Orderu U¶miechu - Knight of the Order of Smile(sequel to Great Travel) - 1979
Bolek i Lolek na Dzikim Zachodzie - Bolek and Lolek in the Wild West - 1986
Films made of episodes
Sposób na wakacje Bolka i Lolka - How Bolek and Lolek do vacations - 1986
Bajki Bolka i Lolka - Tales of Bolek and Lolek - 1986
Educational films
Szerokiej drogi - Have a good journey - 1976
Gdy zap³onie choinka - When you lit the tree - 1977
Wystarczy iskierka - Just a spark - 1977
Zabawa z zapa³kami - Playing with matches - 1977
Feralny dzieñ - Unfortunate day - 1978
Jutro bêdzie lepiej - Tomorrow will be better - 1978
Na stra¿ackim poligonie - The fireman training ground - 1978
Z ogniem nie ma ¿artów - Don't play with the fire - 1978
Na drodze - On the road - 1980