Post by Bonobo on Apr 9, 2008 19:11:57 GMT 1
Not far from Krakow there is an unusual village called Zalipie. Why unusual? People living there follow the tradition and paint their houses` interiors and exteriors. pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zalipie_%28wojew%C3%B3dztwo_ma%C5%82opolskie%29At least most of them used to do so not long ago. I taught English at Zalipie for a few days in 1990s and I must say I was disappointed to see only a few painted houses. The communist propaganda had advertised this village as having all houses painted. Today no more than 20 are decorated. People prefer going abroad to make a hard living, and they don`t care about fancies. Today, those who care do it for tourists, not for their own pleasure. Pity. How does it look like? Or did it look like not long ago, after the war, for example? Imagine the entire villahe of a few dozen houses like that:
Post by valpomike on Apr 9, 2008 22:37:16 GMT 1
Who does the painting, is it the home owner, or does someone from the outside do it?
Post by Bonobo on Apr 9, 2008 23:08:39 GMT 1
Who does the painting, is it the home owner, or does someone from the outside do it? Of course the owner. The tradition started at the end of 19th century.
Post by Bonobo on Apr 2, 2011 14:04:12 GMT 1
It is amazing. I love it. The countryside in the city! In Chorzów, a city in the region of Silesia, one farmer family didn`t allow the urban sprawl swallow their property and today they are unique residents - farmers who live off their farm in the city. fakty.interia.pl/galerie/polskalokalna/zdjecie,iId,1352589,iAId,106863 His name is Erwin Cofałka, his family history goes back to 13 century! Gospodarstwo Erwina Cofałki w Chorzowie, 29 marca 2011 r. Przodkowie Erwina Cofałki, którzy wraz z kilkoma innymi rodzinami przybyli na miejsce dzisiejszego Chorzowa w XII w., należeli do założycieli tej miejscowości. Osiedlili się w tym miejscu, gdzie do dziś żyje pan Erwin. Rozrastające się miasto otoczyło gospodarstwo i zabrało pola, ale między nowoczesnymi blokami wciąż istnieje jego gospodarstwo z kozami, gęsiami, uratowanym od rzeźni koniem, psami i kotami. Erwin Cofałka jest stolarzem, pracował w hucie, ale prawdziwą przyjemność sprawia mu prowadzenie gospodarstwa. Jest jednym z czterech prowadzących autentyczną działalność rolniczą obywatelem Chorzowa i jedynym, który swoje gospodarstwo ma w mieście.The case is an example of Polish backwardness but also of tolerance and freedom. A man decided to stick to his property and traditions and a horde of urban officials had to give up.
Post by Bonobo on Mar 22, 2020 21:17:24 GMT 1