Post by pjotr on Dec 20, 2015 19:00:20 GMT 1
Democracy Defence CommitteeKomitet Obrony Demokracji - manifestacja 12 grudniaThe Committee for the Defence of Democracy (Polish: Komitet Obrony Demokracji, KOD) is a Polish citizens' organization founded in November 2015.The Committee protests against the hijacking of the Polish political scene by Law and Justice ( PiS) - the governing party that has a majority of seats in the Polish Parliament. The founders of the Committee envoke the tradition of the former anti-communist Workers' Defence Committee founded in 1976. The Comittee is not affiliated with any of the political parties active in Poland; the members come from all sides of the political scene, with the exception of the PiS and Kukiz'15 parties as well as the marginal right wing groups. Mateusz Kijowski is the founder of the organization with more than 75,000 supporters on Facebook (and counting). Mateusz Kijowski, the founder of the Committee for the Defence of DemocracyOn November 26th, 2015, the members of the Committee wrote an open letter entitled " A Letter of the Citizens of the Constitutional State to Andrzej Duda, the President of Poland" calling him to swear in the three judges of the Constitutional Court who were elected by the Sejm of the previous 7th legislature period. In the face of failure to comply with the Committee’s request and the Government's refusal to publish the legitimate decision of the Constitutional Court in the Journal of Laws, the Committee has called on the citizens to protest against the clear breach of the constitution, violation of democratic rules and the tripartite division of power. The demonstration took place in front of the headquarters of the Constitutional Court in Warsaw on December 12th, 2015. The number of demonstrators in Warsaw estimated by " Der Spiegel" and " Le Monde" was 50,000. Demonstrations were also held in the main cities of Poland: Wrocław (circa 2,000 people), Poznań (over 2,000 people), Bielsko-Biała (200), Lublin (500), and Szczecin (over 2,000 people). On December 13, 2015, over 3,000 people demonstrated in Gdańsk. Meanwhile, the government's spokesperson - pressed by the public - has declared the above mentioned Constitutional Court decision will eventually be published. Some hours later, the leader of the PiS party, Jarosław Kaczyński firmly stated he would never allow to publish the Constitutional Court decision. www.thenews.pl/1/9/Artykul/233593,Antigovernment-protests-held-in-over-20-Polish-cities The website of the Democracy Defence Committee: www.komitetobronydemokracji.pl/
Post by pjotr on Dec 20, 2015 19:01:53 GMT 1
Komitet Obrony DemokracjiKomitet Obrony Demokracji – polska inicjatywa społeczna zainspirowana artykułem ogłoszonym 18 listopada 2015 roku na stronie portalu Studio Opinii przez dawnego działacza opozycji antykomunistycznej w okresie PRL, pisarza i publicystę, Krzysztofa Łozińskiego. Geneza stowarzyszeniaA demonstration of Komitet Obrony Demokracji in WarsawKrzysztof Łoziński w swoim artykule, nawiązując do terminu siła bezsilnych, ukutego przez Václava Havla oraz tradycji Komitetu Obrony Robotników, którego był współpracownikiem, postawił tezę, że w jego ocenie wobec zjawisk występujących w życiu publicznym należy powołać Komitet Obrony Demokracji. Inicjatywa spotkała się z odzewem informatyka i działacza społecznego Mateusza Kijowskiego, współzałożyciela stowarzyszenia „Stop Gwałtom”, który dwa dni po publikacji artykułu założył na portalu społecznościowym Facebook grupę o nazwie Komitet Obrony Demokracj. Po trzech dniach w grupie znajdowało się trzydzieści tysięcy uczestników. 23 listopada grupa założycielska, znająca się do tej pory jedynie wirtualnie, spotkała się w Warszawie i podjęła rozmowy na temat przyszłości ruchu. Równocześnie powstał serwis internetowy KOD. Na jednej z jego stron został opublikowany manifest, w którym KOD zaprosił do współdziałania wszystkich, dla których ważne są wartości demokratyczne, bez względu na poglądy i wyznanie. Powstanie KOD spotkało się z odzewem w Internecie oraz mediach. Reakcje były skrajne – od przyjaznych, po ostrą krytykę. Statut i struktury KODNa pierwsze spotkanie sympatyków KOD, które odbyło się w Warszawie 26 listopada 2015 roku w sali Sceny Przodownik Teatru Dramatycznego, przyszło ponad dwieście osób. Podczas spotkania podjęto decyzje o powołaniu stowarzyszenia oraz utworzono robocze sekcje m.in. akcji, mediów, prawa, edukacji, programu, promocji i zagranicy. 2 grudnia 2015 roku w Warszawie odbyło się spotkanie założycielskie Stowarzyszenia Komitet Obrony Demokracji. Uchwalony został statut i powołano tymczasowy zarząd. Wśród dwudziestu jeden założycieli znaleźli się między innymi Krzysztof Łoziński, Walter Chełstowski, Andrzej Miszk oraz Paweł Wimmer. Komitet założycielski reprezentujący Stowarzyszenie do czasu zarejestrowania wybrano w składzie: Mateusz Kijowski, Piotr Cykowski, Jacek Parol, Magdalena Ostrowska. Tymczasowy Zarząd Stowarzyszenia, kierujący pracami do czasu Walnego Zgromadzenia, utworzyli: Piotr Cykowski, Dorota Guenter, Mateusz Kijowski, Jarosław Marciniak, Jacek Parol, Joanna Roqueblave, Radomir Szumełda. Tymczasowa Komisja Rewizyjna została powołana w składzie: Beata Kolis, Magdalena Ostrowska, Elżbieta Pytlarz, Paweł Wimmer. 5 grudnia ukonstytuowały się nieformalne struktury regionalne, między innymi w Olsztynie, Katowicach, Poznaniu i Wrocławiu. Autoryzowana z początkiem grudnia przez tymczasowe władze stowarzyszenia, podjęta przez społeczny „Komitet Obrony Demokracji” zbiórka funduszy na działalność bieżącą KOD w organizacji osiągnęła założony cel dwudziestu tysięcy złotych w ciągu doby od jej ogłoszenia. Zorganizowane demonstracje i inne działania26 listopada 2015 KOD ogłosił kategoryczny w treści, choć uprzejmy w formie, list otwarty do Prezydenta RP wzywający go do podporządkowania się decyzji Sejmu, podjętej bezpośrednio w oparciu o Konstytucję Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, według której zaprzysiężenie trzech sędziów Trybunału Konstytucyjnego było obowiązkiem Prezydenta Andrzeja Dudy. W dniu 3 grudnia 2015 roku pod siedzibą Trybunału KOD zorganizował pikietę popierającą Trybunał w działaniach na rzecz praworządności w Polsce. Kolejna manifestacja w Warszawie została zorganizowana 12 grudnia 2015. Według Stołecznego Biuro Bezpieczeństwa i Zarządzania Kryzysowego wzięło w niej udział około 50 tysięcy osób[, natomiast według Komendy Stołecznej Policji uczestniczyło w niej od 17 do 20 tysięcy osób[. Zebrały się one przed Trybunałem Konstytucyjnym w Alei Szucha, a następnie przeszły pod Sejm i Pałac Prezydencki. Równolegle odbyły się demonstracje w kilku innych miastach: w Poznaniu na Placu Wolności w wiecu wzięło udział około 2 tysiące osób, we Wrocławiu na Placu Solnym ponad 2 tysiące osób, w Bielsku-Białej na placu Chrobrego uczestniczyło 200 osób, w Lublinie na Placu Litewskim około 500 osób. W Szczecinie na Placu Grunwaldzkim w manifestacji uczestniczyło ponad dwa tysiące osób. Niewielka demonstracja odbyła się także w Brukseli przed polską ambasadą. Na manifestację zorganizowaną 13 grudnia w Gdańsku na Placu Solidarności przybyło około 3 tysiące osób. O manifestacjach informowały światowe media. Zdjęcie numer 8 w galerii - Komitet Obrony Demokracji - tłum na placu Wolności przeciw PiS
Post by pjotr on Dec 20, 2015 19:02:24 GMT 1
Post by pjotr on Dec 20, 2015 19:03:48 GMT 1
Post by pjotr on Dec 20, 2015 19:05:00 GMT 1
Post by pjotr on Dec 20, 2015 19:08:08 GMT 1
Post by pjotr on Dec 20, 2015 19:11:00 GMT 1
Dear Bonobo and Jeanne and other Poles and non-Poles with a heart for Poland, I have since yesterday personal witness accounts from the situation in Poland and they are saying similar things like Jaga's friends on the other Polish Culture Forum ( jagahost.proboards.com/thread/18589/protest-warsaw-ruling-party?page=1&scrollTo=97452 ) and Bonobo on this Forum. The sources are from different Polish cities and have a different background, but both support the opposition and thus the Democracy Defence Committee. They are educated, academical people, who know Poland very well, and who have worked, studied and traveled in Western-Europe and traveled to the USA. They are very Polish and live in two large Polish cities. One of them wrote this. I think it is so important that I want to quote this Polish friend:Hi, I only just got home - we were out with some friends. The demo went very well - very peaceful with lots of energy. The situation is getting more and more difficult, as the ruling party ( Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) have absolutely no scruples about breaking the constitution and putting their incompetent people to various exposed state positions. The newly elected president and the prime minister are puppets in the hand of Jarosław Kaczynski -who runs PiS - and they basically do everything he tells them. Last week there were also protest- also the BBC wrote about them www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35083561. Many people feel that freedom of speech, freedom of art, law and democracy are threatened and this is why so many Poles- of different political options-united and gather in protests. I wrote to this person in a message:Jarosław Kaczyński seems an authoritarian leader and the fear of many Poles is that he might be a dictator behind the curtains of power and that Poland might descent to an ultra-nationalist, reactionary dictatorship. In my point of view Poland moves towards Hungary and the Russia of Putin. A sort of Putin style of leadership and government. The reply of my Polish friend:Unfortunately all you are saying is right, although I still believe that with such national protests the ' march for power' will stop. I want to believe that Reason and will to compromise will win over personal greed for power. I keep saying to my friend we are nor Russia or Belaruss, we fought long and hard to become the country we are and hopefully it will not go to waste.I think islamophobia and xenophobia are unfortunately present in most countries, and the attacks in France did not help the case either. With Poland I think we have to see how the situation will evolve, but we definitely all need to unite. People are ready to protest over and over again. What would be worth noting is also that PIS-electorate is a very disciplined one and that is why they got the majority in government, and I truly hope with the next election people who 'could not be bothered' to go and vote will not make the same mistake. Cheers, Pieter
Post by pjotr on Dec 20, 2015 23:41:09 GMT 1
Post by pjotr on Dec 21, 2015 2:02:05 GMT 1
Sondaż MB dla TVN. Którą z ubiegłotygodniowych manifestacji popierasz ? Zdecydowanie wygrała manifestacja KOD - 40 % poparcia ankietowanych Ryszard Petru, party leader of the new liberal political party .Modern (.Nowoczesna) Barbara Nowacka, leader and prime ministerial candidate of Zjednoczona Lewica (United Left) during the Polish elections in OctoberKrystyna Janda (born 18 December 1952, Starachowice, Poland) is a Polish film and theater actress best known, in the West, for playing leading roles in several films by Polish director Andrzej Wajda, including Man of Marble (Człowiek z marmuru, 1976) and Man of Iron (Człowiek z żelaza, 1981).
In 1982, Janda played the lead character in Ryszard Bugajski's film Przesłuchanie (Interrogation), which first premiered 7 years later in 1989, following the collapse of communism. Despite the film's late release, she garnered international acclaim for her performance, including winning Best Actress at the Cannes Film Festival and Polish Film Festival in 1990. In 1993, she was a member of the jury at the 43rd Berlin International Film Festival.
Janda is also known for her leading role in the second episode of The Decalogue series of Krzysztof Kieślowski.
Post by pjotr on Dec 21, 2015 2:02:46 GMT 1
Janusz Adam Onyszkiewicz (Polish pronunciation: [ˈjanuʂ ɔnɨʂˈkʲɛvʲitʂ], born 1937) is a Polish mathematician, alpinist, politician and was a vice-president of the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee from January 2007 until mid-2009. In the 1980s, he became the spokesman for the anti-communist Solidarity movement. He became popular among foreign journalists because of his fluent English. After the introduction of martial law in Poland on 13 December 1981, he was arrested and interned. Former Minister of Defence in the cabinets of Hanna Suchocka (1992–1993) and Jerzy Buzek (1997–2000).Initially, he was a member of the Obywatelski Klub Parlamentarny, then the Democratic Union and the Freedom Union. Today, he is a member of the Democratic Party (Polish: Partia Demokratyczna – demokraci.pl), the continuation of Democratic Union.Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, the party leader of the Polish People's Party (Polish: Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe, PSL), an agrarian and Christian democratic political party in Poland. Władysław Frasyniuk (born 25 November 1954 in Wrocław) is a Polish politician, former activist of Solidarity trade union, and former chairman of the Partia Demokratyczna - demokraci.pl political party. He served as a member of the Sejm (Polish parliament) from 1991 to 2001.
Post by Bonobo on Dec 22, 2015 0:20:54 GMT 1
Post by pjotr on Dec 22, 2015 13:43:07 GMT 1
I believe you Bo. Go when you have time to go. It is good that free and democratic Poles fight for their right for a true democracy and to be part of Europe.
I hope that Poland will not become a dictatorship. And I don't believe Poland can become a dictatorship like the peoples republic or Sanacja again. The Polish people won't accept it. Centrolew and Centroprawica will unite against ultra-nationalism and reactionary fundamentalist theological Catholicism.
Moderate Democratic powers will win, because most Poles aren't fascists, communists or Fundamentalist christians.
Cheers, Pieter
Post by Bonobo on Dec 22, 2015 21:18:39 GMT 1
Relax, Pete. Much of the mayhem is fueled by the media which always look for sensation, as usual. PO hasn`t been so holy themselves, they also played dirty but did it in velvet gloves so the hysteria wasn`t so strong as it is now with brutal PiS.
Let`s not worry in advance.
Post by pjotr on Dec 23, 2015 10:33:50 GMT 1
Thank you for puting things into perspective. So the real difference between PO and PiS is velvet gloves polices and brutal policies . Now I can relax again, celebrate christmas and the new year, and shouldn't be worried about Poland. It is good to know the Poles can resolve this little problems and can get over to business as usual. P.S.- It prooves again how little we know in Western-Europe and the USA about Poland. Without direct links to Polish society, people, intelligentsia, students and quality media and press. The Polish research journalism (not the mass media), critical blogs and maybe Polish thinktanks, if they exist. ( This was a small portion of Western self criticism)
Post by Bonobo on Dec 23, 2015 14:25:33 GMT 1
Thank you for puting things into perspective. So the real difference between PO and PiS is velvet gloves polices and brutal policies . Now I can relax again, celebrate christmas and the new year, and shouldn't be worried about Poland. It is good to know the Poles can resolve this little problems and can get over to business as usual. P.S.- It prooves again how little we know in Western-Europe and the USA about Poland. Without direct links to Polish society, people, intelligentsia, students and quality media and press. The Polish research journalism (not the mass media), critical blogs and maybe Polish thinktanks, if they exist. ( This was a small portion of Western self criticism) Yes, Pete, enjoy the holiday and stop worrying. You used an excellent expression to describe it: little problems. Today I was to the funeral of my neighbour - he died on 20 December at the age of 80. We lived for 35 years in the same apartment block. That`s what we should worry about - passing time and us with it.
Post by pjotr on Dec 23, 2015 16:51:19 GMT 1
Dear Bo, I am sorry for the loss of your dear neighbour. I know how vulnerable and thus delicate life can be. I am at my parents place in the South-West of my country ( I live in the East of the same country). I was cycling today with my 88 years old father and 81 years old mother. They are less mobile than they used to be in the past. We used to cycle, walk, swim during most of the year and langlauf a lot in the winter. Today they are old can do less. I enjoy the time with them. Today my father had cardiac arrhythmia during cycling. We had to stop and pause for a long period and then cycled back home very slowly. I enjoy the time I stil have with them. And woryy less about foreign news and even national news in the Netherlands. Your wife, your children, your parents, family, close intimate friends and dear colleagues are the most important things you have in life. Very good neighbours you are fond of count to that inner clircle sometimes. The other things come second in place. Thank you for reminding me about the important things in life. Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!Cheers, Pieter